Organisation Organisation > International Organisation
Name WB – World Bank
Type International Organisation
Where Washington, USA

Established in 1944 the World Bank is a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world. The World Bank Group comprises five institutions managed by their member countries.


End extreme poverty in a generation and push for greater equity.

Partners Ministère de l’Environnement et du Développement Durable Tunisien

+1 202 473 1000


1818 H Street, NW
Washington, DC 20433

Year 2015
Nation Egypt
Category Empowerment of Local Communities Energy Resources
Target local
Title Tanweer El Heiz Project: Providing villagers with Solar Energy Installations
Organisation WB – World Bank
Year 2014 - 2019
Nation Tunisia
Category Agriculture, Landscape, Biodiversity Empowerment of Local Communities
Target local
Title El Guettar Oasis: Toward Bolstering Jobs and Biodiversity in Tunisia
Organisation WB – World Bank
Year 2014 - 2019
Nation Tunisia
Category Agriculture, Landscape, Biodiversity Cultural Heritage Empowerment of Local Communities Gender Local Enterprises, Tourism Water Resources
Target local
Title GDEO: Gestion Durable des Ecosystèmes Oasiens en Tunisie
Year 2015
Nation Tunisia
Category Agriculture, Landscape, Biodiversity Empowerment of Local Communities Local Enterprises, Tourism
Target national
Title Le réveil des Oasis tunisiennes ou comment soutenir l’emploi et …
Year 2010
Category Architecture Cultural Heritage
Target global
Title The Urban Rehabilitation of Medinas
Organisation WB – World Bank