Organisation Organisation > NGO
Name CISP – International Committee for the Development of Peoples
Type NGO
Where Rome, ITALY

CISP, through its cooperation with many local actors, both governmental and private, has been implementing humanitarian aid, rehabilitation and development projects in over 30 countries: Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, Asia, and Eastern Europe.
In the member countries of the European Union the organization fosters initiatives centered on cultural politics, promotion of international solidarity and enhancement of the role of diasporas in the development of their countries.
CISP projects are implemented thanks to funds and contributions from private individuals, associations, foundations, companies, Italian and international governmental institutions such as the European Union, the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation, local Italian authorities, agencies of the United Nations, governmental agencies of member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), national governments and local administrations of the countries wherein it operates.


The 13 strategic priorities of CISP are:

- To Build bridges & Promote dialogue and integration
- Social Justice and Inclusion
- Access to quality services
- To guarantee equal opportunities
- To ensure the right to humanitarian protection
- Support to vulnerable and marginalized groups
- To develop innovation and to find new solutions
- Gender equality Migrations and the rights of migrants
- To promote peace
- To support the development of inclusive policies
- Environment and climate change
- To safeguard and promote cultural heritage


(+39) 06 321 54 98


Via Germanico 198
Rome, Italy

Year 2014
Nation Niger
Category Architecture
Target national
Title L’Architecture en Terre au Niger entre passé et futur