Organisation Organisation > NGO
Name Salimanaji
Type NGO
Where Rabat, MOROCCO

Salima Naji, trained as an architect and anthropologist, has saved the architectural heritage of several oasis towns in the anti-Atlas mountains of Morocco, from communal granaries, to partially abandoned fortified towns.


Encourage a participatory process with new and traditional community groups as actors. Provide an alternative model for conservation in Morocco. Help local communities to maintain and re-use their historical environment, through restoration of ancient public spaces.

Partners Agence du Sud, Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Centre Jacques-Berque, The GETTY Conservation Institute (CISS), US Ambassador Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP)

00212 (0) 537 76 96 91

Other contact

Fax : +212 (0) 537 76 96 85


c/o Centre Jacques Berque 35 Avenue Tariq Ibn Ziyad, 10020, Rabat – Morocco

Year 2014 - 2015
Nation Morocco
Category Architecture
Target local
Title Oasis de Ait Herbil: Rehabilitation du Agadir n’Uguelluy
Organisation Salimanaji
Year 2013
Nation Morocco
Category Agriculture, Landscape, Biodiversity Architecture Local Enterprises, Tourism Media
Target local
Title VIDEO – Réhabilitation des Gréniers Collectifs
Organisation Salimanaji
Year 2009
Nation Morocco
Category Architecture
Target local
Title Réhabilitation des murs de l’enceintede du village de Agadir Ouzouru
Organisation Salimanaji
Year 2008
Nation Morocco
Category Architecture
Target local
Title Oasis d’Assa: Le Ksar. Mémoire des lieux et competence d’édifier …
Organisation Salimanaji
Year 2006 - 2010
Nation Morocco
Category Architecture
Target local
Title Oasis d’Assa: Réhabilitation du Ksar
Organisation Salimanaji
Year 2003 - 2008
Nation Morocco
Category Architecture Gender Local Enterprises, Tourism
Target local
Title On-site Review Report on Preservation of Sacred and Collective Sites
Organisation Salimanaji
Year 2003 - 2008
Nation Morocco
Category Architecture Cultural Heritage
Target local
Title Aga Khan Award for Architecture 2013: Preservation of Sacred and …
Organisation Salimanaji