Organisation Organisation > International Association
Name WFO – World Farmers Organization
Type International Association
Where Rome, ITALY

International Organization of farmers, which aims to bring together all the national producers and farm cooperative organizations with the objective of developing policies which favour and support farmers causes.


It aims to strengthen farmers' positions within value chains, with a particular focus on smallholder far-mers., By advocating on be-half of farmers and representing their in-terests in international policy forums, WFO supports farmers in better managing ex-treme price volatility, leveraging market op-portunities, and timely access to market in-formation.

Partners World Veterinary Association (WVA), FAO, Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS), Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Green House Gases

+39 06 4274 1158


102, via del Tritone,
00187 Rome -Italy

Year 2009 - 2012
Nation Morocco
Category Agriculture, Landscape, Biodiversity Water Resources
Target national
Title Adaptation to Climatic for Resilient Oases